This is a fountain I need in my yard!!


Welcome to my blog. It is a blog of my meanderings, my ideas, my celebrations, my thoughts and my activism. It follows no organized or well thought out plan of any kind, just posts that catch my heart or mind or soul. Enjoy!

I am a river with a voice,
I came into your life by choice
And none can judge the way that it feels.
You are a messenger from god
you are the angel ive got
and none can say it isnt real..... (Roseanne Cash-The Wheel)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

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This guy is a jerk..and not only a JERK but a misogynist jerk.
He says he educates and empowers but what i read on his rant about obese women who should not be allowed to have children is demeaning,cruel and egotistical.
Who gives a fuck what HE thinks?
What i notice is his not saying a word on MEN and their place in conceiving of children. Men who smoke, drink or or obese.. why is he not ranting on THEM instead of women..why does he feel so safe and sanctimonious harrassing women but not a word about MEN.
This smacks of good ole boys mentality...white male patriarchy....GOD like ego... and a real dislike of women in general.

This guy is a jerk~!

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Awesome Video!!!!!!!

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