This is a fountain I need in my yard!!


Welcome to my blog. It is a blog of my meanderings, my ideas, my celebrations, my thoughts and my activism. It follows no organized or well thought out plan of any kind, just posts that catch my heart or mind or soul. Enjoy!

I am a river with a voice,
I came into your life by choice
And none can judge the way that it feels.
You are a messenger from god
you are the angel ive got
and none can say it isnt real..... (Roseanne Cash-The Wheel)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Last day of the year

A fire. A ritual. A putting away of things no longer serving me.
I have some old Tibetan prayer flags that need to be burned with reverence and intention. I have a goddess flag that needs to also be ritually burned to make way for a new one.
Acknowledging things in my life that need to be done with, people or habits.
Communing with ancestors or family that have departed--opening up my heart to new intentions for the new year.

It is a time of reflection and looking back and accepting the things that have happened as part of who I am. These very events often painful and grievous have been what has shaped me into who I am now. But that doesnt mean I need to let them rule over me or control me-- A big sigh of thanks and letting them go is in order.

What are you doing for reflection and letting go? What are you intending for the New year and what you want to accomplish and see happen?

Happy Samhain!!! and a very Merry Bonfire and a very cleansing ritual tonight!!

Tomorrow we CELEBRATE!!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I claim to be a Pantheist- it is a cool sounding word as well as a empowering word for what I believe about God and who She is.
It means God/dess is all and All is She. It is all equivalent and equal and She is not separate from the earth or its creation or humans. We are the Divine and the Divine is us. Nature is the manifestation of the Divine as well as each of us.
There is no hell or heaven--there is only what Is and we as humans cannot begin to explain it or understand it or put little labels on it that condemn all others. To define God as in Christian terms is to believe we can label Him in human terms-- Christians make Him a petulant, angry, jealous, murdering, raping, child killing tyrant. SHe is Not that..She is Who She is.
I can see Love which is the embodiment of the Divine in everyone- I can surround myself with Love to others and respect and compassion no matter where they are in their own path. I can lovingly put up boundaries around me and my family to keep those who are stuck in their own negative energy away while at the same time sending out love to them. I dont need to condemn others to hell to feel closer to Her nor do I need everyone or anyone to agree with my own spiritual beliefs to know they are true and mine. I dont need for others to suffer in order for me to feel loved by the Divine. I dont want to be responsible for telling telling others how they should live, what they should believe and where they are wrong in order to feel more spiritual than them thus close to the pearly gates.
I only need to Walk in the Knowledge I have and Appreciate the differences others have and Live in Love and Compassion always.

She doesnt demand I do anyything about anyone else. She does show me the way daily that i must walk to be Who I am meant to be. That isnt always easy. I find myself overwhelmed with grief or sorrow at the actions of others, I find myself sad at the responses of myself at times , I hurt from those who would use my own beliefs against me and condemn me to hell because i "reject" their messiah.
I also rejoice in my own feelings of lightness as I pursue this path. I have joy that cannot be diminished by others and I hope that I can make a difference in everyone's life that crosses my path.

Did i mention that October is the end of the Celtic year and a time to get rid of a toxic habits, grudges, sorrow and feelings that no longer serve me. It is a dark month for inwardly cleansing and outwardly reliving.

Have a Good Samhain!!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Living our authentic selves

Life IS struggle and change and sorrow and joy. It is what makes our human experience here. The real question is what are we doing with it? This is a great article-- so if you like the excerpt I give, go read the rest~~~

When we connect with our authentic selves we learn about our courage and grace as much as our suffering and betrayals. When we only remember the misery and the pain, we remain locked in yesterday. But the reason we feel upset by dwelling on old suffering is not what we think. By refusing to find the meaning of our negative experiences, we think we are protecting ourselves from discovering how we have fallen short in the past. But the reality is that by finding the courage to look squarely at our old pains and sorrows, we see the ways we truly are authentic, thus liberating ourselves from past suffering. As we learn to detach from the criticisms of others and become our own loving parents and mentors, we are able to see that "The Source" sees our value and helps us to make our own unique contributions to life, making the most of opportunities we might otherwise have missed.


Awesome Video!!!!!!!

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