This is a fountain I need in my yard!!


Welcome to my blog. It is a blog of my meanderings, my ideas, my celebrations, my thoughts and my activism. It follows no organized or well thought out plan of any kind, just posts that catch my heart or mind or soul. Enjoy!

I am a river with a voice,
I came into your life by choice
And none can judge the way that it feels.
You are a messenger from god
you are the angel ive got
and none can say it isnt real..... (Roseanne Cash-The Wheel)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life is a bitch cause if it was a slut it would be easy

This quite always cracks me up. It never fails to put a brighter perspective on thecurveballs and fastballs that life throws. All the "hitches in the get along" and the "harshing my mellow" events that occur just cause the Divine cackles at me and often.
I try to see it as the experience I asked for..somewhere in my delusional mind...and take from it something to figure out my path. I got all the zen and tao and new age energy going to explain when SHIT happens..
But sometimes....just sometimes i need to say..

I FUCKING DONT LIKE IT AND I DONT LIKE THIS LIFE!!!!!! STOP giving me experiences that hurt and who asked for all this anyway???????

now i feel better and can continue with the Zen of responses being my normal cool self :)

Life is a Bitch!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

summer solstice

is coming up. Celebrations of life and gardening and mother earth and all manner of summer things.
What are you going to do to celebrate summer?
I think of ice cold watermelon, hot buttery corn on the cob, juicy tomatoes and a bonfire in the evening. A group of pagans just sitting around talking, planning and building friendships.
Another summer has started and with it hot days and cool-ish nights, gardens abounding and bike riding.
Maybe a midnight ritual of thankfulness and fruition of plans and goals.

Stay Cool!!!!


I am in the grocery store looking for the chicken section. Across from me is a little ole lady maybe middle 80s. She is just a studying different packages of chicken parts. A little old man comes over and says " what have you found we cant live without out dear?" and as i looked up the love on his face for this women was astounding. I laughed and said to them.. "seems she found a lot of things!!" They both laughed and picked out their chicken. But I just felt this love between 2 people. He obviously adored her and she obviously knew it. His voice had years of camaraderie, teasing, laughing and just plain liking her a lot. I found this made my day--to see 2 people still in love and still enjoying something as small as shopping together!!!
There is love and companionship and respect and communication and years of companionship out there...its just hiding at Krogers!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

To sit patiently with a yearning that has not yet been fulfilled, and to trust that, that fulfillment will come, is quite possibly one of the most powerful "magic skills" that human beings are capable of. It has been noted by almost every ancient wisdom tradition.
~Elizabeth Gilbert~

How hard it is for us as humans to WAIT. On the other hand, how long does one wait before sensing a path is not the right one.
I have seen more often in my life that waiting and NOT doing something brings to me amazing things. I have seen strife and angst and confusion work out if i dont try and intervene with my own limited knowledge. People need to work out their own path and i cannot even think I can begin to tell anyone which way to go.
I firmly believe there isnt a right or wrong path..just the path we choose and all the experience given on that path. Even trying to give advice one what another should do is fraught with so many dangers. How do i know what this person's life should be? How do I know what experiences they need or should have? Do i have the right to suggest a path to someone when sometimes i cant even figure out my own?
I think the best advice is no advice. But to sit patiently and wait for it to be revealed. How magical is that???

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Wheel

Great song with lots of Tarot Card Imagery....

The Wheel

How long was I alseep?
When did we plan to meet?
Have you been waiting long for me?
When did the sky turn black?
Do you still want me back?
I'll pick it all up piece by piece.

And the wheel goes round and round.
And the flame in our souls will never burn out.
And the wheel, and the wheel goes round.

I am a river with a voice.
I came into your life by choice.
And none can judge just how that feels.
You are a messenger from God.
You are the angel I forgot.
And who's to say that it isn't real?

And the wheel goes round and round.
And the flame in our souls will never burn out.
And the wheel, and the wheel goes round.

I'm not looking for the answers.
Oh, darling don't you see
That just to know the question
Is good enough for me.

Take up the hearts you came to heal.
Put down your dagger and your shield.
You need fear nothing now from me.
I see the essence of the man.
I stand before you as a friend.
The truth moves through us even when we sleep.

And the wheel goes round and round.
And the flame in our souls will never burn out.
And the wheel, and the wheel goes round.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A day passes....

June 3rd use to be a day of celebration.. an anniversary. And this last June 3rd would have marked 30 years of marriage if it had not ended at 25. Now 25 is a goodly number to have reached in any marriage nowadays so I complain not. But when the day dawned i just thought for a moment what the day use to be.
There was no emotional angst or tears or was more like just meeting an old friend for a few hours, catching up on stuff and then continuing with life. I could remember the good years and Thank the Goddess for them, and just let the bad ones slip on by with a slight nod of acknowledgment.
In our society, couple celebrating 30, 40 50 and 60 years of marriage are seen as amazing and hard working, and yes i believe this can be true. It seems a mark of diligence and perseverance and true love if one can make it to that mile marker still married. But there are many stories, many paths splitting and many journeys continued alone which are just as amazing and diligent.
I wont see a 50 year marker,,,and that may be the only sad part. Having someone in my life that long who knows me that well and still keeps up with me. Someone who knows how to comfort me on my worst days, encourage me on my wildest days and just hold my hand on my horrible days for 50 years.
BUT at the same time,,i also wont be with someone who doesnt understand my ever changing ethereal spirituality, does not encourage my radical/feminist actions and wont support me in all my unusual/different causes for 50 years either....

So its a balance.... a trade off... a journey that is what it is.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

women as equal in society

I find it interesting that white peoples society have never allowed women equal status as in other cultures

posted again

I love reading this poem and have for years so i wanted to repost it as it came up in my soul again....

The Layers

I have walked through many lives,
some of them my own,
and I am not who I was,
though some principle of being
abides, from which I struggle
not to stray.
When I look behind,
as I am compelled to look
before I can gather strength
to proceed on my journey,
I see the milestones dwindling
toward the horizon
and the slow fires trailing
from the abandoned camp-sites,
over which scavenger angels
wheel on heavy wings.
Oh, I have made myself a tribe
out of my true affections,
and my tribe is scattered!
How shall the heart be reconciled
to its feast of losses
In a rising wind
the manic dust of my friends,
those who fell along the way,
bitterly stings my face.
Yet I turn, I turn,
exulting somewhat,
with my will intact to go
wherever I need to go,
and every stone on the road
precious to me.
In my darkest night,
when the moon was covered
and I roamed through wreckage,
a nimbus-clouded voice
directed me:
"Live in the layers,
not on the litter."

Though I lack the art
to decipher it,
no doubt the next chapter
in my book of transformations
is already written.
I am not done with my changes.

Stanley Kunitz


Another Dr was murdered by the religious terrorists who seek to control womens bodies
I realize abortion is a heated subject and yet i firmly believe EACH women MUST make that decision for herself. What she can live with at the time. I would never tell a womans its wrong when to her this is the choice that must be made. Its heartbreaking and its hard-never let anyone says women get these in an easy fashion-- but men should NEVER ever have the right to tell women they MUST carry a pregnancy.

Dr Tillers and office's own words:
If you can deny women birth control before the initiation of, shall we say, a personal relationship, if you can deny birth control ahead of time, if you can deny a woman emergency contraception at the time of a personal relationship, and if you can deny women abortion services after a pregnancy has become established, then you can control women. Because you will overwhelm them with parenting and child rearing responsibilities.

"You will be controlled. You will be subjugated. You will be marginalized. And when subjugation walks in, freedom walks out. Now what do I mean? That means gone will be equal opportunity in the work force. Gone will be equal education. Gone will be equal pay for equal work. Gone will be health care benefits. Gone will be retirement benefits. Your freedoms will be gone. Because this is not about babies, again. It's about subjugation of women by male dominated societies. It's no more; it's no less."
"We believe that women have more worth and more value beyond their biological reproductive support function for a fertilized egg, embryo, fetus, child, baby, call it whatever you have - - call it whatever you wish. Women have more value beyond their biological reproductive support capacity.
"Men have had unlimited availability to 'abortion' since the beginning of time. Men can walk away from unwanted pregnancies with virtually no response from government. I believe that, unless women are given an equal right to determine whether or not they remain pregnant, they will not be considered equal. I think that's what the anti's are most afraid of-women becoming equal.



Awesome Video!!!!!!!

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