This is a fountain I need in my yard!!


Welcome to my blog. It is a blog of my meanderings, my ideas, my celebrations, my thoughts and my activism. It follows no organized or well thought out plan of any kind, just posts that catch my heart or mind or soul. Enjoy!

I am a river with a voice,
I came into your life by choice
And none can judge the way that it feels.
You are a messenger from god
you are the angel ive got
and none can say it isnt real..... (Roseanne Cash-The Wheel)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


At a recent woman's group meeting the topic of obstacles in our life was discussed and how to deal with them. It seems we make resolutions to change but the ability to get pass the obstacles prevents us from truly following through. As I thought about the many obstacles over my life I came to a conclusion for me. My obstacles have always been signs that my life needs changing or situations need reassessing or friends need removing from my life. I can do 3 things when faced with obstacles--1- ignore it and turn my back--which of course does nothing to solve it but the obstacle gets bigger and bigger and I must create more denial tactics to not notice it. 2- I go around it and hope this means its not there anymore--same as #1 though as it gets bigger and I go around it more and more. The third is confront it==walk right into it and figure out what this obstacle is "saying" to me. What needs to change? What transformation is waiting for me once i deal with this obstacle? Why am i so reluctant to do this and wallow in the pain or sorrow I am in now?
Well change is always hard... as is dealing with obstacles because they often involve people in our life. Family even. To confront those in our life who create angst and drama and pain is the hardest thing we can do. Changing things in our life is never easy and sometimes we dont even know how we will change it but we just do. Toxic relationships are a big obstacle to our own growth and happiness. People who suck every bit of love and compassion and emotions from you need to be put outside personal space and dealt with as little as possible. Even love relationships with depression, betrayal, lack of communication, and jealousy will drag one down to the depths of sorrow and its hard to get back up until the obstacle is removed.
As obstacles come into my life--whether of my own making or others- I can stop seeing them as negative but see them as a life line being thrown to me by the Divine herself to help me grow and change. Rejecting the chance to change endangers my happiness and transformation.
Obstacles suck big lemons but offer joy and release when dealt with.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Women and religion

Scared texts--Women and Religion

All of the major world religions deprecate women to some degree. This page archives texts which relate specifically to women and religion from a female perspective.
There is some great reading on this page!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christopher Walken...Awesome!

I love this dance video so im re-posting!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ophelia--Natalie Merchant

Be Good Tanyas--Great music!!

Snow in Alabama?

Yep...but not the blizzard we expected but that didnt stop folks from buying every single gallon of milk, loaf of bread, boxes of cheerios and of course the true staple--beer!
I suppose the thought is if we have those items we can survive any silly ole blizzard!!!(or any invasion actually)
I ventured out to buy bird feed as I noticed the poor shivering birds outside my door-- immediately upon putting food out, I believe there was super secret ninja bird call that called every bird in Decatur out to my house. I immediately thought of the Hitchcock movie The Birds and now was scared!!!! :)
But as a friend pointed out since i was obviously fattening them up at least in this blizzard I would have a source of food!!!

I kept my woodstove agoin' which is always nice on such days. Fighting for any space in front of it with the "Up the Butt Gang--the mastiffs! If they could get inside the fire to stay warm,, they would.

So a nice snow, a big pot of beef stew and biscuits and we are happy!!!
Now where is that buttered rum!!!!!??

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So where will this new year take me? Where will you go with it? Rather than make resolutions, instead make affirmations and intentions that can be implemented slowly. What things do you want to see manifested in your life?

This is my new decade year...I will be 50. The 40s have been a true rollar coaster--lots of intense dips and heart stopping climbs that I thought would never end. I have endured things I thought I never would and came out more alive and more passionate about living life. I have met people that have helped me on this journey that however briefly they were in my life I am grateful.
They taught me a lot about myself and demanded I grow even when I did not want to.

In my 50s, I want to see the culmination of my efforts. I have things I want to do outside my own comfort zone of living. I want to travel and live and see things I have never seen. I want to meet people who can teach me more about myself and this life. I want to experience amazing events and have great stories to tell my grandchildren (should I ever have any!!)
I want stories that even if at 90 I forget my name, I can recount my adventures.

So onto the 50s...Bring on the glorious and put my feet on the path to adventure!!!


Awesome Video!!!!!!!

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