Finally watched this movie... and I of course think Cate is hot--brad is ok i guess-- but what i caught most from the movies that i loved is the concept of =Living Your Life and if you dont like it CHANGE it..Start Now and make it different. Dont waste a moment feeling sorry for yourself or being the victim or whining about circumstance.
Living in the past-regretting choices made=bemoaning consequences of choices IS all a waste of Time. To not motivate oneself to MAKE a difference starting NOW is sad to me.
I know people who simply WONT requires energy and movement and hard choices and they dont want to do it. Its comfy in the place of sadness. Its not challenging in the place of stagnation and its easy to stay in the place of frozen fear of change. Hanging around others in this state of existence keeps them feeling safe and secure and if they have people around them in a even worse state of victimness..then they feel good and at least less sadness.
This movie makes a point of stating..Live your life. Change it if its not working. Dont regret the past.
6 years ago
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