The older i get the less I allow in my life that does not benefit me or mean me good. I know this can sound selfish and on many levels it is but it is also a way of keeping myself from drama of others. In my younger years, I would allow people to say or do unkind things to me and i would just brush it off as MY fault..i would accept blame for their actions. I would not want to hurt their feelings by calling them out nor could I walk away. Often i put myself in the fixer of all hurts mode and feel compelled to help a person with their issues.
Now i see that as my ego wanting to be hero and martyr and angel to everyone EXCEPT for me. I would allow my own feelings and emotions to be secondary in importance to others. But then i realized a few things... one is that it made me feel sad and used a lot... two it caused others to blame me when I couldnt fix them and thirdly I got tired of always being the one to expected to fix things...
So now i need and use boundaries..not to judge others behaviors or to make myself out to be better..but to protect myself and to allow others to just be who they are. i dont know what path others are may very well be this life is a self destructive path for them and who am I to fix that?? Why cant i just step back and live my own life and not interfere with others? Which is why i have to say i cant be a part of some behaviors that i dont agree with or want in my life.
Some will say I am being judgmental..but is it judgmental to stay clear of others drama? is is wrong to not feel responsible for others choices in life? Can i set up a boundary without saying someone's behaviors are right or wrong but just are theirs??
I am saddened when i have to step away from someone i like or even love because the hurt and the negativity is more than I need in my life. My path is the only path i can walk..and i dont often know where that is even going so to nudge others onto a path that may not be theres, smacks of egotism and self centeredness. I want only to live my life and others live theirs..and if i find a companion that fits well with me, then so be it.
6 years ago
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