To sit patiently with a yearning that has not yet been fulfilled, and to trust that, that fulfillment will come, is quite possibly one of the most powerful "magic skills" that human beings are capable of. It has been noted by almost every ancient wisdom tradition.
~Elizabeth Gilbert~
How hard it is for us as humans to WAIT. On the other hand, how long does one wait before sensing a path is not the right one.
I have seen more often in my life that waiting and NOT doing something brings to me amazing things. I have seen strife and angst and confusion work out if i dont try and intervene with my own limited knowledge. People need to work out their own path and i cannot even think I can begin to tell anyone which way to go.
I firmly believe there isnt a right or wrong path..just the path we choose and all the experience given on that path. Even trying to give advice one what another should do is fraught with so many dangers. How do i know what this person's life should be? How do I know what experiences they need or should have? Do i have the right to suggest a path to someone when sometimes i cant even figure out my own?
I think the best advice is no advice. But to sit patiently and wait for it to be revealed. How magical is that???
6 years ago
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