June 3rd use to be a day of celebration.. an anniversary. And this last June 3rd would have marked 30 years of marriage if it had not ended at 25. Now 25 is a goodly number to have reached in any marriage nowadays so I complain not. But when the day dawned i just thought for a moment what the day use to be.
There was no emotional angst or tears or regrets..it was more like just meeting an old friend for a few hours, catching up on stuff and then continuing with life. I could remember the good years and Thank the Goddess for them, and just let the bad ones slip on by with a slight nod of acknowledgment.
In our society, couple celebrating 30, 40 50 and 60 years of marriage are seen as amazing and hard working, and yes i believe this can be true. It seems a mark of diligence and perseverance and true love if one can make it to that mile marker still married. But there are many stories, many paths splitting and many journeys continued alone which are just as amazing and diligent.
I wont see a 50 year marker,,,and that may be the only sad part. Having someone in my life that long who knows me that well and still keeps up with me. Someone who knows how to comfort me on my worst days, encourage me on my wildest days and just hold my hand on my horrible days for 50 years.
BUT at the same time,,i also wont be with someone who doesnt understand my ever changing ethereal spirituality, does not encourage my radical/feminist actions and wont support me in all my unusual/different causes for 50 years either....
So its a balance.... a trade off... a journey that is what it is.
6 years ago
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