More about the HPV Vaccine...
It behooves us all with girls to really research ALL the info about this shot!!!
My Question is this: Since it is Men who carry the HPV and it is men who expose women to it through sex---WHY is it women are mandated/forced/compelled to get a controversial/dangerous/unstudied shot? Where the FUCK are the shots for men? Why arent THEY being held hostage and told what to do with THEIR bodies? Why arent their reproduction abilities put at risk? Why is it always women and children held in so little esteem that it means nothing to kill a few off in the name of science like unsuspecting test rats???? And note that its young girls who havent a voice yet in their own bodies AND minority women who rarely have a choice due to other issues, being forced into this great experiment without their permission!!!
So read... research and make an informed choice... DONT LIVE BY DEFAULT!!!!
Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007)
More Gardasil Info
The State can violate womens bodies
Research people!!!
6 years ago
1 comment:
I agree with you. No daughter of mine will get the shot.
I even have pro vax friends who are refusing it for their daughters.
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