So... lots of people ask me what this means. And so as i drink my espresso, the Goddess brought some thoughts to me.
To me living a life of purpose is NOT living life by default.
You know, just going along with society, doing what needs to be done, never challenging what you are doing, never pursuing a path that looks untrodden or unexplored, never wanting to strike out without approval of others...fearing the unknown to the point of never thinking an original thought.
My life has always been unusual...and what is strange is i dont set out to be that way, its just that way. When i think of what i want to do, i often explore ALL options known to womankind, read dozens of books, talk to people, search the internet and come up with my own path. I LIKE not running with the crowd so i know i subconsciously search for the crowdless way.
I also know i like doing my own thing... i want to be happy in my careers--and i AM. I want to look back and see my choices and know they were the right ones...and i DO. I want to look forward to new adventures that will continue to amaze me and challenge me and I CAN.
So living life with purpose is all of those things... Passion, adventure, unusual, fulfilling,strange, humorous,unknown and satisfying. And maybe when i least expect it, finding someone who "gets"me on all levels, who enjoys my quirky life, my unusual perspective of living and who wants to be a intimate and permanent part of my life.
And when i am leaving this life to journey to a new life that i have planned, I will KNOW i did all i wanted here. Isnt that living a life of purpose????
6 years ago
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