They all have a story to tell..
Gwen StormTrooper is a rescue from Tn.She is a small mastiff due to not being taken care of properly as she was growing. We call her Lady Fat roll and she is the lighter beige smaller dog. She is very timid but so affectionate.
Cleo is called Queen Fat Roll as she is well fed :). She is a rescue from KY who was used as a breeding dog until she stopped having puppies due to not being fed. She is the red dark neo who thinks she rules the place by sheer weight alone.
Mia is our latest rescue from GA and though we love mastiffs we fell in love with Mia..and she fits into the rest of the "up the butt" gang!! She is hilarious as she sits on her Butt not her back legs so her back paws end up around her head. Her nickname is countess fat Roll.
Then there is Sophie who is not a rescue but a neo we got last year. She is the Princess Fat Roll and is the most playful since she is only 10 months old. She loves stealing stuffed animals and running outside with them.
They are called Up the Butt Gang due to the fact they cannot be more than 2 feet from me... And if im not here whoever is either closest to the kitchen or closest to the bed or the couch. They travel in a mass.