it can seem scary. We always think we know what we want and yet often when we get it the thrill doesnt last long, the happiness we thought we would have isnt there and really our life doesnt change. The prospects of something new or changed is far more exciting than the actual thing. Does this mean we give up on hopes and dreams and wants and desires? Do we just stop wanting?
Its beyond that in my most goddessy opinion-- its balance and contentment for the now.
I believe if we look to our own selves for happiness and joy--then everything else is supplemental. The outside things dont become the measurement of our lives and just how happy we are--they simply are the things we have but could do with out and our inward happiness would not change( tho our physical comfort might)
I think the thing that gives me the most pleasure are relationships with others and the value i place on people around me. I tired of material things and the upkeep or the buying of stuff or the need for more things...but i dont tire of friends and emotions shared and being a small part of another persons story.
So its not that I dont know what I want but I know i cant do better than anything the Universe Divine is going to present me with..and i trust that She knows far better than me what i need and want--now and in the future. Now given that i believe the Divine is simply a spiritual manifestation of me anyway... i DO know what i need and want on that level and I do give myself the things i most need/want/desire/hope for.
Now of course im not saying we all should build a tepee and live without some comforts THOUGH i dont think its a bad thing to do occasionally--like going to another country and being part of the solutions to poverty and hunger and disease and seeing how others live. It certainly puts a earthy perspective on our own waste and standard of living.
And this is a good ramble i know..but im in a kind of ramblin mood.
6 years ago
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