when the universe speaks to me....i listen. In fact I record too!!
I spend a lot of time on the road so its also my thinking time, my thoughts meandering all over the place. I have some pretty cool ideas and solve many issues this way.
Today it was like 3 enlightenments and I had to turn my phones voice recorder so i could say the words.. I needed to say them and then hear them.
Its interesting how I can hear someone say something that cause me to pause a moment and reflect what they are saying..and it stays with me. And for days I mull it over..mostly trying to see how i really feel about it or believe about it. Maybe it is something I have even considered and now will.
I firmly believe we are spiritual beings having this human experience we designed or desired or requested--heck there may even be "wild cards" that one signs up for and its ALL a big surprise!!! So when i am hit with clarification of my experiences--I listen!!!
6 years ago
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