Music is amazing. It can touch the deepest part of our souls and make us cry or feel rage or know sorrow or happiness. Much stirs inside us emotions we may be hiding or denying and it is music that can speak of love so richly. I have been listening to music i played during the hardest time of my life--my loneliness before the divorce and after. The pain that was so deep I though I would drowned in it was expressed so many times with music of love lost, betrayal and the wound always being there.
I didnt drown myself in alcohol or drugs or crazy stuff but I did desperately seek music to understand my own emotions, to make sense of what was going on around me and to help begin the healing process. I listened over and over to powerful, rich, deeply moving music.
Sometimes even now I can listen to those songs again and feel the pain and sorrow and remember all that. I begin to think of how since all is energy and all is connected, that music is energy and thus we are connected to it which is why it moves us so much. I also think music is an entity that is there to create emotions and clarity and passions. Just as angels, spiritual guides or intuition or coincidences guide us in our life so does music--it is a created entity that consoles us, that lifts us up and holds us close when we cannot fathom another day on this earth. If music IS an entity then it is from the Divine and so music is the Divine here on this earth just as we are.
The Divine has many physical manifestations of love- cool water, life giving trees, colorful flowers, dancing clouds, brilliant stars and music. All create within us emotions and help us heal from devastation.
So the next time you hear music that speaks deeply to you, realize it is from the Divine and is one of the answers you are searching for.
6 years ago
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