The best thing about September is that its the month before October.
And October is my most favorite month. I LOVE how October feels and smells and looks. I love putting my socks on again with a sweater and walking outside in the evening and feeling cool. I like seeing leaves come down in a storm and whirl around like a mad dervish dance. I cant wait for the first fire in the fireplace and the smells of it wafting through the house. Pulling up a chair to the fire with a book, a cup of hot tea and just chillin by the fire. I love watching my mastiffs fight for space next to it so they can warm themselves so soon I have a blanket of dogs laying around me and the chair.
October is the last month of the year in Celtic year. It is the close of harvesting and "puttin by" stuff and getting ready for winter. October 31st is Samhain-- a day when the veil between this world and the spirit world is thinnest. Doing a ritual on that night is intuitive and spiritual and very much in touch with those things we dont see.
For me its time to get ready for the new year in November. Winter is a time to lay low, hibernate as much as possible and put things away I no longer want or need. To hunker down at the house and watch as things begin to die and brown and even nature itself shuts down to rebirth. For me shutting down and taking in stock what is going on around me, what do i want to give up and what no longer benefits me or serves me well. What seeds can I plant now that will show up in the spring?
I am going to enjoy every moment in October. Lighting a candle nightly on my outside alter as well as my ancestor alter to honor those who have gone ahead. I am going to honor those women who died as witches to a cruel patriarchal religion that dishonored many by their mean spirited beliefs. I am going to honor those men who stood by their women and may have died with them also.
I am going to honor Love. Those people in my life who love me and respect me AS i am...I will honor that.
See? i told you it was another goings on........
6 years ago
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