I did my last test tonight in Chemistry. And i SOO glad to be done!
Chemistry in 5 weeks is hard, ass-kicking, brain exhausting and numbing. My average is about a 90 which is great considering my first week my average was 11. :)
I of course got labeled "trouble from day one" due to a snarky remark made to a teacher who has never taught online education to adults and only teaches high schoolers..THUS treating me like a 16 yo who needed punitive reprimands simply made me snarky!!!!
Since I am paying HER to teach me a course..I will get Snarky if i effin want to.
But i am now done with stupid chemistry and PRAISE the goddess i passed cause i was certainly NOT going to ever ever take that course again. Yeah I know how important chemistry is to every day life, and i wont say i didnt learn some nifty stuff :) BUT i think i could have lived a ripe old age and even died and been happy not knowing about citric acid cycle, protein synthesis, kcals,molar, and double helix....
I will sleep in tomorrow and dream happily since I wont be worrying about chemistry assignments at all!!!
6 years ago
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