As i walked today, i had many random non connected thoughts. One thing i think a lot about is spirituality--mainly my own and secondary how it shapes others. I do a lot of reading on this topic and on various beliefs from atheist to agnostic to taoism to goddess worship to anything else i find compelling. (Though i dont read anything to do with a patriarchal-centric religion as it has nothing to offer me as a compassionate, intelligent, opinionated and uppity Womyn.)
I was thinking about eternity or what happens after we die--heaven or paradise or another shot of life or nothing. Since i could not solve that question for anyone but me, i did come to a conclusion for myself.
WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER?? nothing I do here on this earth affects the hereafter. I dont control my eternity by what i do earthbound. It will happen as it is. My life here and now only affects my life HERE AND NOW. My contentment and happiness and joy come from the things I do NOW. To live a life of honor or respect or appreciation simply makes my life NOW better but it has no effect on where i will or will not spend my life after death.
So..i dont really care what the atheists or agnostics or religious weirdos believe cause its enough for me to LIVE this life--I may decide to come back for another go round of human experience but its a choice i will make NOT based on my previous human lives but on whether i want to experience this again.
Its tough sometimes living a life on the best of terms but throw in challenges and stress and human foibles, and truly its enough to get through this and WANT to come back. Whether or not there is an eternity of awareness or an eternity of bliss (though the time concept just really does not work outside human experiences) or an eternity of dancing or eating or conversations about our human lives we shared with each other-- I will create a life here That when its time to go to Valhalla, I will be content and I will have done all i wanted to do.
As the video on this blog says.. Someday Im gonna do it all. :)
6 years ago
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