So what is it about relationships that create such angst and fear? Is it the box we put it in? Is it the inability ourselves to be content that we attract those also not content?
Do we attract into our lives those people who mirror ourselves? including our insecurities, our fears, our weakness? Do we need people who need us so we can feel needed??? Is feeling needed a plus or minus in a relationship? Rather than 2 people completing each other, what about complementing each other? Rather than needing something from this person, what am i giving?
Can we let relationships out of the box that society, culture, religion and personal beliefs have put it in and JUST LET IT BE. A person who crosses my path is a message from Myself/Universe. I need to stop TRYING to make it a relationship and just observe what it adds to my life--however brief it lasts. It is possible to have several soul mates that come and go for a time that they are needed. One relationship is not more important than another in the grand scheme of things. So one ends--even in a heartbreaking way but yet another begins that is more suited to Who i AM now. We all change, why shouldnt our relationships? We should honor the ones we loved, the relationships that taught us many things rather than see them as a waste of time or a mistake.
Creating a equal, committed relationships doesnt take a LOT of energy but it does take a mature acceptance of not only myself but another person. I attract who i Am.
6 years ago
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