This is a fountain I need in my yard!!


Welcome to my blog. It is a blog of my meanderings, my ideas, my celebrations, my thoughts and my activism. It follows no organized or well thought out plan of any kind, just posts that catch my heart or mind or soul. Enjoy!

I am a river with a voice,
I came into your life by choice
And none can judge the way that it feels.
You are a messenger from god
you are the angel ive got
and none can say it isnt real..... (Roseanne Cash-The Wheel)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Be patient....

"Toward all that is unresolved in your heart: be patient.
Try to love the questions.
Do not seek the answers which cannot be given.
You would not be able to live them.
Live everything. Live the questions now.
You will gradually, without knowing it,
live into the answers some distant day."

Rainer Maria Rilke,

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

another thanksgiving post

And this one is great

Thanksgiving National Day of Mourning


And then i found this link and it REALLY hit home for me.(an excerpt..are you brave enough to read the whole article??)

""But Thanksgiving in this country—and in particular in Plymouth—is much more than a harvest home festival. It is a celebration of pilgrim mythology.

According to this mythology, the pilgrims arrived, the Native people fed them and welcomed them, the Indians promptly faded into the background, and everyone lived happily ever after.

The pilgrims are glorified and mythologized because the circumstances of the first English-speaking colony in Jamestown were frankly too ugly (for example, they turned to cannibalism to survive) to hold up as an effective national myth.

The pilgrims did not find an empty land any more than Columbus “discovered” anything. Every inch of this land is Indian land. The pilgrims (who did not even call themselves pilgrims) did not come here seeking religious freedom; they already had that in Holland.

They came here as part of a commercial venture. They introduced sexism, racism, anti-lesbian and -gay bigotry, jails and the class system to these shores. One of the very first things they did when they arrived on Cape Cod—before they even made it to Plymouth—was to rob Wampanoag graves at Corn Hill and steal as much of the Indians’ winter provisions of corn and beans as they were able to carry.

They were no better than any other group of Europeans when it came to their treatment of the Indigenous peoples here. And, no, they did not even land at that sacred shrine called Plymouth Rock, a monument to racism and oppression which we are proud to say we buried in 1995.

The first official “Day of Thanksgiving” was proclaimed in 1637 by Governor Winthrop. He did so to celebrate the safe return of men from the Massachusetts Bay Colony who had gone to Mystic, Conn., to participate in the massacre of over 700 Pequot women, children and men..............

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Remembrance Dinner

Each year on this november holiday I create a dinner that is a remembrance for all those prosecuted by religious zealots. Though of course our society says its a day set aside for thanking the indians by the pilgrims, what we DONT say is how intolerant they were of the Native Americans beliefs and life. The ironic part is the pilgrims came supposedly!!! because of religious intolerance and yet they themselves tolerated no one--not even themselves.

So i make the traditional meal but i also take a moment to reflect on the hollow thanks indeed it was and how they were murdered and tortured by a religious group later.

SO for this "thanksgiving" day, I want to acknowledge all the Native Americans killed/hurt/tortured/diminished in the Name of God, the women burned and tortured in the name of God, the minorities enslaved and killed in the Name of God and to all people hurt by religious morons that use force, threats, pain,and death to force another group of people to conform.

May we all remember the sorrow and grief families and cultures experienced and may we ask for forgiveness for our part in intolerance in the past and may we honor differences in all we meet. Being thankful for having those who think differently in our lives to show us We just AINT all that.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fat Naked Women for PEACE

Watch this whole thing..this is AWESOME!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Couldnt Say it better....

This is a great commentary....

Friday, November 7, 2008


So what is it about relationships that create such angst and fear? Is it the box we put it in? Is it the inability ourselves to be content that we attract those also not content?
Do we attract into our lives those people who mirror ourselves? including our insecurities, our fears, our weakness? Do we need people who need us so we can feel needed??? Is feeling needed a plus or minus in a relationship? Rather than 2 people completing each other, what about complementing each other? Rather than needing something from this person, what am i giving?
Can we let relationships out of the box that society, culture, religion and personal beliefs have put it in and JUST LET IT BE. A person who crosses my path is a message from Myself/Universe. I need to stop TRYING to make it a relationship and just observe what it adds to my life--however brief it lasts. It is possible to have several soul mates that come and go for a time that they are needed. One relationship is not more important than another in the grand scheme of things. So one ends--even in a heartbreaking way but yet another begins that is more suited to Who i AM now. We all change, why shouldnt our relationships? We should honor the ones we loved, the relationships that taught us many things rather than see them as a waste of time or a mistake.
Creating a equal, committed relationships doesnt take a LOT of energy but it does take a mature acceptance of not only myself but another person. I attract who i Am.


and i passed the 1st part of my CPM test!!!! I am soooo happy to have that out of the way. CPM is Certified Professional Midwife and its a certification that some states use for licensing midwives. I live close enough to TN to be able to work there if i want to.. of course ALabama is so backwards and Anti woman and anti birth and anti anything that aint christian that is means nothing.
So now to studystudystudy for the BIGGIE test in Feb :) I am well on my way to New Zealand!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


what a great victory!! I am so pleased that Obama has won..i think its time for this change and if nothing else maybe these narrow minded people who simple did not want an African American in office will realize how mean they are being. As many times as I have heard shallow smokescreen reasons why they would not vote for Obama, what it boiled down to was a black person in charge. White people seem to think suddenly it will be a war on whiteness....
Maybe instead we should own up to history, attitudes, narrow beliefs, prejudices and cruel words and Support Change. I would like next for a woman to become president to represent ME as a man sure does NOT represnt me in most of the things about my life. Men who havent a clue about Women running things it surely a sign of unbalanced representation.

So even though most of my neighborhood is McCain supporters, I have made sure my Obama sign is showing by my mailbox. I want them to know I am supporting Obama and am glad for change.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Leaving the month of october is hard..i love the transitional time, the cooler weather, the trees changing and all that october is.
As the new year begins for me--on Nov 1- i take stock of all that needs to be done away with, new things to be planned, old things to be tossed.
I am renewed in my plans to move to new zealand. I feel this is the place i need to be as soon as i can finish my goals.
how does one start a new life in a new country? I find the thought quite exciting and satisfying that when i am able to do this, my life will be about me.. kids will be grown and my life will then be ALL about me and what i want.
I can BE what i want and DO what i want...... that is a pull for me.
to be somewhere finally in my life where I want to be.


Awesome Video!!!!!!!

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