This is a fountain I need in my yard!!


Welcome to my blog. It is a blog of my meanderings, my ideas, my celebrations, my thoughts and my activism. It follows no organized or well thought out plan of any kind, just posts that catch my heart or mind or soul. Enjoy!

I am a river with a voice,
I came into your life by choice
And none can judge the way that it feels.
You are a messenger from god
you are the angel ive got
and none can say it isnt real..... (Roseanne Cash-The Wheel)

Monday, December 31, 2007

new year thoughts

As i sit here in front of my fire, trying to finish up some papers for my masters degree in metaphysical science, and listen to some loud obnoxious music my kids are playing, i think about the new year and what i want to manifest. I also think about the last year and the events/people that caught my attention, gave me pause, stopped me for a moment and made me wonder WHF they were thinking.
The new year.....wait let me recap the old year.
I sold my house and bought another one further north. It was a miracle of the goddess that it all worked out to even find this place. It had been on the market for 2 years--i like to think just waiting on me. Its on 3 acres with a pond, down a long tree lined driveway.. 10 mins from town yet off by itself. The story of how i came to be able to buy this is truly amazing. So this was a goddessy event...
I helped a lot of women with their births this year and was honored to see their sweet babies born.
I also got a months break to do nothing but sleep late and leave my cell phone at home when i went out.
I still feel the pain of betrayal of people in my life. Being blamed for their own actions, their own inability to be honest with themselves and others. ITs enough that i kept me alive, my kids safe and did not drowned in life that i could not also police and mothers others going through their own levels of hell. Why do people take and take and never give back. Why do people when it comes time to give to someone, step back with accusations and lies and grief.
This last year was a good time for me to learn to step away from those who have done me harm, stolen from me money and even a van. I am learning i am not responsible for anyone but me.

this upcoming year i plan on taking a vacation... either a womans music festival in August, or a midwife conference or even a goddess trip to greece. I want to plan something i have never done before or a place i have never been to.

so..i look back and see all the experiences i have had...positive and negative... and try to see the lessons, the points, and the reason for these things to happen. I have to admit often the more negative or painful and event, the more positive the consequences and choices i must make later. So to those people who thought they could hurt me beyond measure, I pray to the goddess morrigan that she return those things back to you.

The new year brings me starting my getting a Bachelors in Science so later i can go for a masters in accupuncture. Getting a new roof for my house and if the goddess allows, a new bedroom and bathroom with a spa.

To all.. i ask the Goddess Hecate for a new beginning for each of you, that as you come to the often dark crossroads of life you can make the decisions you need to..

This poem says it all:

The Layers

I have walked through many lives,
some of them my own,
and I am not who I was,
though some principle of being
abides, from which I struggle
not to stray.
When I look behind,
as I am compelled to look
before I can gather strength
to proceed on my journey,
I see the milestones dwindling
toward the horizon
and the slow fires trailing
from the abandoned camp-sites,
over which scavenger angels
wheel on heavy wings.
Oh, I have made myself a tribe
out of my true affections,
and my tribe is scattered!
How shall the heart be reconciled
to its feast of losses?
In a rising wind
the manic dust of my friends,
those who fell along the way,
bitterly stings my face.
Yet I turn, I turn,
exulting somewhat,
with my will intact to go
wherever I need to go,
and every stone on the road
precious to me.
In my darkest night,
when the moon was covered
and I roamed through wreckage,
a nimbus-clouded voice
directed me:
"Live in the layers,
not on the litter."
Though I lack the art
to decipher it,
no doubt the next chapter
in my book of transformations
is already written.
I am not done with my changes.

Stanley Kunitz

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

yule greetings...

I Witch you a Happy Yule!!!!!!!

and a blessed Day

and many divine graces

Monday, December 24, 2007

Yule Blessing

Yule Blessings
by Yusef

Blessings to you from the Earth Mother.
She is the Moon.
She watches over all of us by
The light that she casts over the blessed earth.
Walk her night lit path
And happiness you will find at every turn.
Blessed be!
Blessings to you from the Sky Father.
He is the Sun. He holds us up
And brings us strength. Carry his sword
To cleave the evil from your path
And you will be unmolested.
Blessed Be!
Blessings to you from the Great Spirit.
It binds us all together:
Man to womyn; beast to beast; all.
We are it and it is us.
Blessed Be!
May you have a wonderful Holiday.
The time has come for the sun to be reborn
He lies in his Mother's womb waiting...
Awaiting his reappearance on this plane.
Let us all rejoice in his rebirth and ours.
Blessed Be!

Some cool goddess stuff

Cool goddess rosaries.. they are gorgeous and well done!!

Cooking up a storm..

What a busy day.. :)
Part of the tradition we have created is each person has to make some part of dinner. They are suppose to get me their recipe so i can make sure i have all the ingredients.. OHMYGODDESS you would have thinked i asked for a miracle from each child!!! Well except for the 11 yo daughter who had her recipe to me within 10 mins of me asking.. :)
A couple of them simply didnt know what to i gave them some ideas.. so our holiday dinner is:
i am doing a ham, garlic mashed potatoes,yeast rolls, butternut squash soup, and they are adding the following:
sweet potato casserole, green beans, cherry fruit jello salad, mac and cheese, a pudding-cherry-angelfoodcake trifle, cherry cheesecake,
then i am making a wassail for the present opening later the night of the has some great ingredients including sherry, brandy, orange,apples, cinnamon, cloves,and apple cider..
Also some things we will ring bells to scare away negative energy, hang holly to keep negative energy out (the rough edges catch it), also we have a ribbon tree.. each person adds their dreams or desires written on a ribbon and tied to the tree.. on jan 5th i will burn the ribbons and ask the universe to bless them.
then we have our family dream jar. Each year they take out the previous years dreams and read them to themselves to see what they accomplished this year..then we will put fresh ones in the jar.
They are always tickled to read what they wrote the year before.

all in all its a great day..

and i wish a wonderful yule to all and many blessings from the Goddess,

WAES HAEL!!!! (be well!!) DRINC HAEL (drink to health

Saturday, December 22, 2007

powerful video

about prostitution and what is does to women and children. Its from the European Womens Lobby who is trying to stop the abuse and violence.

amazing voices

I am not a big fan of country music..but i think the Dixie chicks standing up for their right to SAY their words is awesome. I for one think they were treated horribly by MEN who wanted them to keep their mouths shut..i mean they couldnt really do what men have always done to women of voice--burn them as a witch. So instead they used their power to silence them.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

im not really a scrooge...

but i saw this sign on a church "Wise men still seek Him" and it sorta irritated me..for several reasons really.
one is wise MEN still seek him..what about the women folks? are they just not wise in general cause they are women or is it men who seek Jesus and lead their women?? I know the answer can be according to the religious beliefs of men/women.. But its still insulting..

Second.. wise men. Which is Magi. Which is sorcerer or astrologer or wizard..Which i thought was against Xian beliefs so WHY are they honoring these men? And then the whole CRUX of my irritation is this::
do you know what is a WISE WOMAN??? Which should be included in this little sign on this church... a wise woman is a WITCH!!! yep...the word witch means wise woman..
SOOOOO technically when a WISE man and a WISE woman search out Jesus..a wizard and witch is who they are..HOW COOL is that??????

but of course christianity doesnt believe in wizards and witches.. ohbutwait.. the reason for the season is..JESUS!!!!! As if thats EVEN tru.......

ACK... what confusion, and hypocrisy!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

no comment

This guy is a jerk..and not only a JERK but a misogynist jerk.
He says he educates and empowers but what i read on his rant about obese women who should not be allowed to have children is demeaning,cruel and egotistical.
Who gives a fuck what HE thinks?
What i notice is his not saying a word on MEN and their place in conceiving of children. Men who smoke, drink or or obese.. why is he not ranting on THEM instead of women..why does he feel so safe and sanctimonious harrassing women but not a word about MEN.
This smacks of good ole boys mentality...white male patriarchy....GOD like ego... and a real dislike of women in general.

This guy is a jerk~!

Friday, December 14, 2007

wake up America..

Know what internet neutrality is and how it affects YOU!!!
Let the big companies know you are willing to stand up for YOUR right to the internet!!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Woman Charged with murder for "supposedly" causing an abortion by using certain drugs. Now there is no PROOF that this drug causes abortions yet this woman has sat in jail for 4 years on the ASSUMPTION that it does.
This brings up 2 issues....
Since abortion is LEGAL when a woman involves the state then why is it against the law when it occurs--with or without the woman planning it-- without the states involvement??
why is someone charged with a ASSUMED crime... not a proven crime.. and on the next level why is she charged with something that isnt a crime at all.... Well..its not a crime unless a woman does it on her own without paying the govt $$$.
how dangerous is this thinking for women... and i know i will post more on this as soon as i have ruminated a bit longer......

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

the gift of Fear

This is one of my most fav books... and one EVERY woman should read...
here is a small excerpt:

"I want to clarify that many men offer help without any sinister or self-serving intent, with no more in mind than kindness and chivalry, but I have been addressing those times that men refuse to hear the word "no," and that is not chivalrous -- it is dangerous.

When someone ignores that word, ask yourself: Why is this person seeking to control me? What does he want? It is best to get away from the person altogether, but if that's not practical, the response that serves safety is to dramatically raise your insistence, skipping several levels of politeness. "I said NO!"

When I encounter people hung up on the seeming rudeness of this response (and there are many), I imagine this conversation after a stranger is told no by a woman he has approached:

Man: What a bitch. What's your problem, lady? I was just trying to offer a little help to a pretty woman. What are you so paranoid about?
Woman: You're right. I shouldn't be wary. I'm overreacting about nothing. I mean, just because a man makes an unsolicited and persistent approach in an underground parking lot in a society where crimes against women have risen four times faster than the general crime rate, and three out of four women will suffer a violent crime; and just because I've personally heard horror stories from every female friend I've ever had; and just because I have to consider where I park, where I walk, whom I talk to, and whom I date in the context of whether someone will kill me or rape me or scare me half to death; and just because several times a week someone makes an inappropriate remark, stares at me, harasses me, follows me, or drives alongside my car pacing me; and just because I have to deal with the apartment manager who gives me the creeps for reasons I haven't figured out, yet I can tell by the way he looks at me that given an opportunity he'd do something tht would get us both on the evening news; and just because these are life-and-death issues most men know nothing about so that I'm made to feel foolish for being cautious even though I live at the center of a swirl of possible hazards doesn't mean a woman should be wary of a stranger who ignores the word "no."

Read this book and have everyone you know read it...

Saturday, December 1, 2007


a neopolitan mastiff!!!
I am searching for a neo..i have done rescue before for a neo and i love their big drooley face and their lazy laid back personality..
SOOOOO please help me find one... :)


I dont celebrate Christ-Mass. I celebrate the yule season.
now interestingly for over 20 years i did not celebrate ANY december holiday. As a religious believer of christianity, i did not believe Xmas was a holiday that i should be observing since it is NOT the birth of christ, and in fact is birth of several other gods including Mithras. And every bit of the traditions ARE pagan in origin. So i did not follow the ways of the pagans traditions..
BUT when i left the religious box i was in, I gloried in the pagan traditions and now we Observe Yule, winter solstice and I am going to observe Jan 5th in honor of the Italian Witch ..La Belafana..she sounds very cool.
So now we do the tree and presents... but i refuse to celebrate the religious part of it as its simply not christian..its a Pagan holiday with christian dressing to appease the ones who converted...
I am amused when i see "christ is the reason for the season or Without Christ there is no Christmas" and i wonder if these churches are as ignorant as they sound... Mithras is the reason for the season.. Winter solstice is the reason for the season... and any number of other Gods in other cultures with the birthdate of Dec 25 IS the reason for the season...and to be even MORE confusing, supposedly scholars know Jesus was born either spring or early fall... SO why are christians so darn determined to "keep" DEc 25th as THE DAY?????????

Good question...

So..i am loving my tree with colorful lights... presents mounting to a huge pile(with 9 kids thats almost a hundred gifts if we have just bought one for each other!!!), fire going in the evening and sipping hot tea.

update: one of my girls is woodburning every piece of wood she can find and giving it as gifts, she also cleaned out her drawers and gave her stuff to her siblings.. it will be interesting to see what she has chosen to give each of them.


Awesome Video!!!!!!!

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