This is a fountain I need in my yard!!


Welcome to my blog. It is a blog of my meanderings, my ideas, my celebrations, my thoughts and my activism. It follows no organized or well thought out plan of any kind, just posts that catch my heart or mind or soul. Enjoy!

I am a river with a voice,
I came into your life by choice
And none can judge the way that it feels.
You are a messenger from god
you are the angel ive got
and none can say it isnt real..... (Roseanne Cash-The Wheel)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

thought for the day

"I choose to see you as you were intended to be not as you have become."

from my favorite movie Ink.

see what happens?

life. And I forget to blog.
I just finished a training class in working with Help/Crisis line. It was a good month long, 2 evenings a week training on dealing with crisis of all types and everything from mental illness, food needed,suicides and domestic violence and on and on.
Lots of stuff!
I am hoping to start the next step of training for the Domestic Violence Responder class-riding with the police on a shift and going to domestic Violence calls to help women with local resources and getting to safety. But for now I will be womanning the phone lines a few hours a week helping local people find local resources.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I watched this movie a few months ago and was blown away by it. Its a simple non advertised movie that few thought of as interesting but I think that is part of the lure--it has a black and white, real type feeling which hooks deep inside ones soul.
The beginning is hard to follow..and it took commitment to finishing it but Well Worth it.
Recently I bought the soundtrack..and it brought back those feelings of who we are, what we are suppose to do here and how it is so easy to lose our way and get stuck somewhere painful and dark. I think about dysfunction to the degree that a person isnt happy really...only happy creating unhappiness for others. How once stuck, people find excuses to stay stuck rather than breaking out by whatever means needed.
In this movie there are spiritual entities--angels, spirits, guardians protecting the dreams of humans. They fight for humans to dream and not be engulfed in nightmares--as part of the night or as part of their own making. Whether they are angels or not, I dont know, but i do believe in energy entities who are here by our design giving us signs along our path, hoping we pay attention. If we dont, they leap ahead and use more signs and more "obstacles" and Pain and grief to get our attention. For me i believe they are placed there BY me when i was designing my human experience--to hopefully remind me what i wanted to do here on this earth.
As i was listening to one song I find deeply touching to my spirit, I envisioned the energy entities around us all...wanting us to succeed, to be happy to experience the events and emotions we wanted. I realize how fragile it all is here when we are surrounded with narrow minded, bigoted,critical, mean spirited, self righteous people who believe they have ALL the answers when in reality they are the most lost!!
Look around. See the signs. See the path. Leave behind the dark and find your potential!!

oh....and if you have not seen the movie Ink..See it!! Hang in there as it does not give anything away to the plot!!!!!


Awesome Video!!!!!!!

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