Women's Security Council
The basis of American democracy is that when the government ceases to work for the people, the people have a right to start a new one. The US government has had almost 300 years to begin to work for women, and we are unsatisfied with the state of women and children, the poor and the elderly, the minority religions and races, and the disabled in this country. To improve the lives of Americans of every age, race and gender, we propose to institute a new form of consensus government, based on the original American democracy, that of the Indigenous tribes like the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) which have both male and female bodies of government that work in complimentary ways.
The Women's Security Council is intended to be a sort of women's Congress that will reach out to the disenfranchised among us who don't have lobbyists and corporations working for them. We also intend to speak for those who have no voice, the flora and fauna, our land, our rivers, streams and oceans, the Planet and the air around Her, as a part of the sacred trust that women owe to Mother Earth. We love our country but we are also Matriots and as women we recognize that all children are our children and we are members of the global community, without limits or borders, that is Womanhood.
We invite you to join us in this quest to return government to the hands of the American people and to speak for the least among us.
6 years ago